ZEsarux 9.2 estable

Software para o relacionado con el core ZX Spectrum / Software for or related to the ZX Spectrum core
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ZEsarux 9.2 estable

Mensaje por chernandezba » 07 Abr 2021, 11:20


He subido una nueva versión estable de ZEsarUX, la 9.2! Puedes descargarla desde la página de releases:

https://github.com/chernandezba/zesarux ... es/tag/9.2

Hay versiones compiladas para Linux, Mac, Windows y FreeBSD. El código fuente está disponible (como siempre)

Cambios en esta versión:

Version 9.2 - Cliff Hanger edition. 05 April 2021

Added SamRam Gerton Lunter interface emulation
Added new ZX-Uno Prism video mode
Added Dandanator storage button icon
Added alternate Jupiter ACE rom
Added another fourth easter egg ;)
Added read only setting for esxdos handler
Added setting to redefine joystick fire key
Added midi output instrument selector
Added Debug action to set PC register to zero
Added command line setting --copy-file-to-mmc to be able to copy files to a mmc image before starting ZEsarUX
Added ZRCP command realtape-open

Improved ZX-Uno emulation:
-Updated BIOS, Flash and ESXDOS (ESXDOS now runs 0.8.6 final version)
-Added command line setting --zxuno-initial-64k to allow loading a initial 64kb block in bootm mode, bypassing the normal boot rom

Improved TBBlue emulation:
-Added .snx snapshot support
-Added debug window to enable/disable individual sprites
-Added relative sprite type composite/unified on sprite navigator
-Added Sprites Debug memory zone
-Optimize sprite rendering (saving 1% cpu on my computer)

Improved CPC emulation:
-Added video scanlines rendering (A.K.A. Real Video)
-Joystick emulation
-Stereo emulation

Improved File utilities Browser:
-Added support for browsing inside FAT filesystem disk images (.img, .mmc, .ide, etc)
-Detect when source and target directories are the same when moving or copying
-Show more info in some file viewers (.sna, .p, .o, etc)
-Added .nex file viewer
-Added copy and delete entire folder
-Added SCR to TXT file converter

Improved Debug CPU Window:
-Can load a source code
-Tell when a condition is satisfied or not
-Detecting when running a esxdos call, using the esxdos handler, and doing step over

Improved ZX Vision menu interface:
-Added Turbo Vision GUI style
-Added ZEsarUX Matte GUI style
-Added GUI Style Selector menu
-Added GUI Test Style
-Added key Shift+Cursor Right to switch to another window
-Added action to minimize all windows
-Added setting to ignore mouse click to open the menu
-Added more utf-8 characters support
-Added setting to show files in hexa+ascii using file viewer

Improved all-to-pixel text rendering:
-Allow 1:1 scale
-Allow to set window size and offsets in characters

Improved Speccy online browser:
-now uses ZXinfo API V3
-uses SSL SNI when downloading files

Improved Frameskip algorithm
Improved Core statistics: Add info about frames drawn & dropped
Improved Hex Editor: can now be backgrounded
Improved Debug I/O ports window: can now be backgrounded and it's reloaded continuously
Improved File spooling: delay can now be any value between 20 and 2000 ms (in increments of +20)
Improved File Browser: added file size information
Improved cocoa (Mac) driver: allows distinguish between left and right Ctrl key, and left and right Alt key
Improved panic screen: added countdown timer, extended to ZX Desktop

Fixed ZX-Uno bugs:
-Fixed bugs on mmc and flash storage layer which prevented to update bios, esxdos rom or entire flash from the BIOS
-Fixed chloe mmu mapping: bootm has priority. If bootm=1, can't map chloe. If bootm=0, can be chloe or +2a

Fixed TBBlue bugs:
-Fixed relative sprites: when anchor sprite is not visible, negative coordinates, detecting unified/composite, mirror, rotation
-Fixed 4bpp sprites: pattern calculating, transparency, anchor
-Fixed clipping (affected scrollnutter demo in the right round corners)
-Fixed writing on divmmc memory when layer2 active

Fixed CPC bugs:
-Fixed vsync and hsync interrupts
-Fixed border colour
-Fixed AY chip register selection
-Fixed CRTC interrupts. After a CRTC interrupt with Z80 interrupts disabled, they were not fired when enabling Z80 interrupts
-Fixed setting bit 4 of the "Select screen mode and rom configuration" register of the Gate-Array and interrupt request
-Fixed RETURN key

Fixed IDE commands which affected almost all IDE firmwares: fatware, mdos, etc:
-Fixed IDE command ECH Identify Drive
-Fixed IDE command 91H Initialize Drive Parameters

Fixed annoying flickering in menu using XWindows video driver
Fixed Mac OS retina display window
Fixed Mac OS full screen
Fixed loading General Sound rom
Fixed segfaults on fileselector +3 DSK screen previews using Speedlock protected disks or bad disks
Fixed segfaults on fileselector TRD screen previews using protected disks or bad disks
Fixed receiving large snapshots on ZRCP/ZENG
Fixed pixel color on text all-to-pixel text rendering (color inversion)
Fixed DivIDE/DivMMC mapram behaviour
Fixed some GUI style colours

Some other minor bugfixes and improvements



ZX Second-Emulator And Released for UniX
